Guess who slept 3 to 3.5 hours before waking to eat and then went right back to sleep??
this guy!!
1/12/16, 4 weeks 5 days
I've forgotten what having a newborn is like. The biggest thing I am not a fan of is the lack of continuous sleep. Keira didn't start sleeping through the night (i.e. 8 hours straight) until she was 2 years old! I know we are in the early stages with Karter, but that extra hour totally makes a difference!
1/10/16, 1 month old
This past Sunday marked Karter's official first month of life. We made it one month, holy cow! When you're in the throws of day-to-day life, time seems like it goes slow. But now that we are more than a month in, I can't believe it. Quite honestly, there were times I wished the newborn phase was done, but I know it doesn't last forever. Every stage is a challenge right?
some of my favorite pictures at the moment
Keira is loving her new role as a big sister, wanting to hold him constantly (even if it only last a few minutes) and smothering him with kisses. She calls him "Fluffy" and has been since before he was born. We haven't seen much jealousy from her with the baby, she just loves him tons.
Keira was actually the one to give Karter his name. All throughout the pregnancy and even while I was laying on the operating table being sewn up, Mike and I could not agree on a name. We didn't know the gender beforehand, so coming up with names for either sex that we both agreed on never happened. I can still remember lying there, holding our boy on my chest and asking what's his name going to be? We ended up picking 3 names we had thrown around and letting Keira make the final decision.
12/10/15, the first meeting
My parents picked Keira up from school and brought her to the hospital to meet her little brother. Both sets of grandparents were there, but I asked Mike to bring Keira in alone so that we could have the time as a new family of 4. We had our moment with Karter, but we wanted Keira to have hers. I can still remember her walking into the room and looking gently for her new brother. Mike handed him to her and she held him so lovingly and just stared and talked to him gently. We gave her our 3 options for names (Adam, Aaron and Karter) and asked her to pick one. So Karter it was.
Side note, Keira has been participating in various hockey clinics for a while now and she's starting to know some of the Kings players. When we gave her Karter as an option, she said "I like Karter, just like Jeff Carter of the LA Kings!" We told her that Carter is normally spelled with a C, but we would be spelling it with a K to match her.
Mike and I realized we may have just set our boy up for a lifetime of explanation regarding the spelling of his name, but it's not so unusual nowadays, right? "My name is Karter. Karter with a K."